Monday, September 15, 2008

The Year is Here! (I Rhymed!)

This is EE 10... Wow. I'm finally in highschool. Well I guess we're amping it up with these blogs for ELA outside reading. We have to read in for class, do papers for class, and read outside class. A tall task. This webpage is my blog in which I shall be posting my comments on my outside reading. I wonder what it is this week...? Well I guess you'll have to go to my blog to find out. Or are you already here... I can't say... I've never had a blog like this until now. How ironic that it is for school purposes. I think I used ironic properly... if not... Oh I hope I used it properly... Either way... Well I suppose I better go learn how to use this.

1 comment:

Nils said... like you posted a pic of the car you want. ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you are lame and I'm really bored