Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blog Post # 2

The story finally gets going this week. A strange man in a long sweeping coat and glasses comes to the orphanage. "His hands were thin and white. Definitly not a farmer" (35). This strange man is looking for something as he looks through the boys. He comes to Ren. The stump of Ren's arm is what he was looking for! He sweeps Ren up, who then vomits all over. Benjamin Nab is the man's name; Ren's new "father." He sweeps the Father with tales of a terrible murder by Indians that took their parents life. Nab poses as Ren's brother for this tale. Ren, and us readers, are swept up and believe the tale. What else have we to go on?

Next on the walk down the road away from place of Ren's life, the orphanage, to where ever it is they're going; which is no particular place. Ren learns of his parents real death. His mothers brother was overprotective and killed her and her lover (Ren's dad) when he found her child; Ren. That's also why Ren's arm is cut off at the wrist. Once again we believe this tale. This takes place in the barn of an old farming couple, the very couple that adopted William last week. Nab had tricked them into letting them stay in the barn.

The next morning Ren wakes up to Nab steeling the horse and wagon! "This deserved at least 3 or 4 times as many Hell Maries as steeling food" (51). He preys to god that he will be spared the incoming wrath. Nab lets his opinions of the worthlessness of religion be known and Ren doesn't know what to think. "We are borrowing, with good intent" (49). We have met the good theif.


Tony V said...

This story is sounding a lot like a tragedy without any way out. This poor crippled orphan is being used by a con-man and is probably heart-broken to find out he's been fooled. A disappointing life.

Kyle W said...

Yes this does sound like a tragedy. Parents death's, stolen horses, and a missing hand are probably just the beginning of a sad tale. Good Job Justin.

Emily Fu. said...

It doesn't really sound like a tragedy to me. I think it sounds more like a Robin- Hood, do- gooder sort of tale. Of course, from the post I can't tell if Nab really does have a purpose for it or if it's just for the sake of stealing.

joey said...

This sounds like a great story!! It has some elements of a trajedy but i feel sorry for the religious boy because he is definitly being conned by nab. (ironic name for a theif, nab. I hope that story gets better!