Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Coming Right Up


Seeing that its a week before we chose our respective president I find it necessary to talk about politics at least one more time before the fateful ballots are cast. I read this article from the Star Tribune newspaper about one of the forces that could decide the election. This force is the cross-party balloteer. They disreguard party lines on their ballots voting neither all for one or all for the other. "I just don't follow party lines. I'm just voting for the best person for the job," said Larry Sherman. When I vote this will be my title as well. I do not like following party lines, and as this election is proving, more and more people are deciding the same. We want the best man in there. Republican and Democrat are good labels for those who think one way and those who think another, but to me, its just stupid to vote for someone because of that label. We learned in government last year about how most people really have no idea what they're voting for. Single sided voters too skew the votes too. The people who vote in these ways are rash, and are ruining America. We're putting people in office who don't work towards everything we want, which is an unrealistic hope I know, but they could be doing better. I myself am completely undecided for the first time since I learned about Obama and McCain. Obama is going to make us go socailist but McCain has some economic policies that I don't believe in either. Its going to be a toss-up. No matter who becomes president I believe will be the most hated president ever. Neither one is focussing on the right stuff. America I just fine how it is, except for the economic issues we face. I think we should pull out of this war, which would save us a lot of economic pressure. We could then focus on switching over to more energy efficient ways of life to cut off our imports on oil. Then we need some economic regulations that prevent stupid breakdowns like bad morgages and loans from biting us in the butt like this. I could go on and on but I find these to be the most important issues.

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